
The longest short week EVER

This is what my week feels like!
Yes, I'm one of those lucky few that have select holidays off - this week was Dr. Martin Luther King day. I spent the day of his honor, doing chores and things that I put off from my weekend (totally not what I should've been doing to honor him, but I digress). 

Coming back to work on Tuesday, I expected to be refreshed and ready to hit the ground running - which I did. BUT what happened was that instead of doing all that work and time flying by, I think hit some error in the space / time continuum and this week has   dragged by. I mean, really. I may have lived 7 lifetimes in this week. It's like when you're a kid and the days before your birthday or Christmas creep along like Grandma driving to the store. 

I swear to you, the clock hasn't gotten one minute later. It's driving me mad!

Next week I'm missing 2 days for work for a conference - does that mean the week will be double-long? 

Anyone else having a long short week? 

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