
With faith comes patience

My entire life, I've been told a few things... 

  • Patience is a virtue
  • You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need (Thanks, Mick Jagger)
  • When you give your worries to God, you will find peace
I do my best to "live" these things every day. Admittedly, I've had varying times of success and failure - now being one of those times of recent failure followed by a brief pity party and then re-realization that although "I want what I want, when I want it" (thanks Father John) life rarely gives us what we want when (and how) we want it. 

I've half-jokingly posted on my Facebook that God is trying to teach me a lesson that (after 35 years) I still haven't learned. But more so, I think He's also trying to give me a gift. The lesson is patience; the gift is faith. Faith in Him. Faith in His plan. Faith that He will take care of me (because He always has / does).

So this week, I've decided to stop acting like the stalker ex to the job I desperately want. I'm not calling, emailing, sending notes, popping by or devising some intricate and complicated code that probably wouldn't work anyway - I'm just stopping. I get it. No more praying for this job or that job. I will continue applying for the things that interest me. I will continue kicking ass at job interviews. I will continue helping myself and then let God take it the rest of the way. (I refuse to add any more song lyrics to this post - sorry Carrie Underwood).

So I will ask for, and graciously accept, your prayers, happy thoughts, good mo-jo, good luck, positive juju and any other karmic universal fabulousness you are willing to throw my way. Happy begets happy. Positive begets positive. Faith begets faith. 

Here I am - Happy. Positive. Faithful. Ready.


A watched phone doesn't ring

In case you didn't know, I'm unemployed right now. For the last 2 months I've been running around like a crazy person trying to apply, interview and seem right damn near perfect for any job I might remotely be qualified for / think I could get excited about. I've met a lot of great people. I've also decided there are some companies, locations, and people I'd rather not work for / with / at / in. This list will... not be published.

Last week, I waited by the phone to hear about a job that I *REALLY* want, at an awesome company, with (seemingly) fun and friendly people and it's right around the corner from my apartment (Trifecta, right?!?). I couldn't ask for anything more - except for them to call me. The candidate pool was narrowed to me and 2 others and I was interviewed last. I waited on pins and needles (not to mention the toilet - sorry for tmi) all week to hear back. I emailed a "thank you" on Friday after the interview. I dropped off personalized notes to the front desk receptionist on Tuesday. I emailed the decision maker on Thursday (just to make sure she got my note). All I've gotten?? Crickets. Now before I get flack for too much communication - it was all innocuous. Very quick, brief and to the point. I'm not trying to be annoying - just trying to find out if I got the job. Have I mentioned how much I REALLY want this job? 

Today I called my HR contact. That was an hour and seven minutes ago... tick tock! My stomach is in knots. I can barely think straight, much less concentrate on anything (it really is a good thing I don't have a full time job right now - although I doubt the pressure and anticipation would be at this level if I had a steady income)

So back to phone watching... at Starbucks. Trying to get some contract work taken care of and test my telekinetic powers to WILL my phone to ring. Damnit!
Found this card and although I think it's geared towards a recent grad - I think it fits where I'm at right now. God help me if I'm still job seeking by Thanksgiving. Julian's bottom bunk - here I come!


Coffee and Wine

Today I saw this little gem on Facebook and I just had to share.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE wine, coffee and encouraging words that can be summed up hilariously on an ecard? 

The search continues...

I realize that most people (especially in this economy) have experienced job loss. I've been on the search since March (actually a little before) and I've had TONS of traction, but still no luck. You'd think I'd do something constructive with my time - work out, eat right, write more... But alas, I'm two months into this unemployment thing with nothing really to show for it. 

Wait... does an almost empty DVR count?

The good news is that my spirits are up and that I average at least one interview a week. Did I mention, I send out about 20 applications a week? Pretty much every interviewer asks "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" If you would've asked me that in September, I would've told you - I want to be an executive director of an alumni associaiton now... I just want a job... that pays... well.

Tomorrow I have a third interview with an awesome employer that could be my dream job (at least at one point in my life). I know my friends are tired of me saying it, but I really want this job. 

In the meantime, DVR shows anyone?